The Extraordinary Cost of Dull

  • For the last 25 years eatbigfish has been studying and sharing the ways in which brands with a Challenger mindset go further and faster by overturning the dull status quo of their categories.

    And though this principle is now well established, the need for this kind of thinking has never been more relevant. Wherever we look, we see brands mired in bland seas of sameness, competing on the same tired criteria, stuck doing things ‘the way they’re always done around here.’ 

    So 18 months ago we set out to demonstrate that this wasn’t just making the world a duller place, it was also coming at a significant cost to businesses. Working with Peter Field, Jon Evans and System1, we began to identify the real-world cost of being dull for brands. And it was steep.

    Half of all marketing is failing to make any impact on its audience, and our industry is overspending by orders of magnitude on dull advertising.  At its simplest, being dull will cost you at least 2X as much as being interesting.

    In the Let’s Make This More Interesting podcast, Adam Morgan explores the causes and antidotes to dullness through a series of fascinating interviews stretching well beyond the world of marketing. In Season 2, Adam returns with an eclectic cast of interviewees well-versed in making things more interesting – from a video games designer to an expert in recreational fear.  

    Beyond the podcast we will be collaborating with new partners like Dr Karen Nelson-Field from Amplified Intelligence and Jenny Tsai from WeArisma, as we expand our lens on new frontiers of dull & interesting.   

    And of course, throughout this year, we will be uncovering more stories and learnings from Challenger brands who are rejecting dull and sharing those insights with you all.  Find the latest here or by connecting with us on Linkedin.

More from the project:

What is the Extraordinary Cost of Dull? Adam explains all about the project so far.

How do Challengers avoid the traps of dull marketing? Watch the webinar from eatbigfish.

The podcast for people who can't afford to bore their audience - listen now to season 2.

System1 investigate The Cost of Dull as seen in the data from their Test your Ad database.

The latest instalment of ‘The Extraordinary Cost of Dull’ - available on-demand on the Marketing Academy Virtual Campus.

How much is dull costing us? Peter Field shares his findings from the IPA database.

Join us on our mission to fight dull

Do you have a brand that’s fighting the forces of dull? Do you have a data set or story to share?

Does your team need a shot of inspiration to help make their plans much more interesting?

Get in touch to join our community of Challengers working together to banish beige…