Can you afford to be dull?

Let’s be honest, no marketer actively sets out to be boring. But as new research from System1, eatbigfish and Peter Field shows, half of all advertising fails to cut through.

Taking creative risks is costly. But so is not taking them.

So what do you do?

Bland outputs come from bland inputs. So, let’s think like a Challenger and make things much more interesting from the start.

​We’ve created ‘The Anti-Dull Intervention’ – a workshop that roots out the causes of dull ideas and meticulously attacks them through a suite of purpose-built exercises.​

​It’s perfect for:

  • teams looking to supercharge their brand planning

  • sparking fresh innovation ideas

  • tackling live and frustrating business challenges

  • teams that know effectiveness is not about out-spending the competition

To give you a sneak peak of our research, our strategy team will be hosting two free webinars to explore the pitfalls of dull and the tools we’ve created to combat them. Both webinars will contain the same content, hosted by our own Toby Brown and Nick Geoghegan.


Join us on 19th of September at 4pm BST / 11am ET for our Anti-Dull Webinar. Register to join on LinkedIn Live.

If you’re interested in an Anti-Dull Intervention for your team, please get in touch with us at